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Edwardsville Roof Replacement Costs

Instantly get an estimate for new roof cost in Edwardsville via our roof replacement calculator. See local Edwardsville Roofer prices and find the best roofing contractor in less than a minute.

The average price for an asphalt roof in Edwardsville, Illinois is: . See your exact price by entering your address below.

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  • Accurate Cost Estimates – Tailored to your exact roof size and material choice
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Home > Illinois Roofing Contractors > Edwardsville Roof Replacement Costs


Roofs measured by our roofing calculator in Edwardsville, IL


Average roof replacement cost in Edwardsville, IL


Highly rated roofers in Edwardsville, IL

Top Roofing Contractors in Edwardsville, Illinois with Google ratings and reviews

We have 10 contractors in Edwardsville. Enter your address in our app to learn who has the best combination of reviews and pricing for your exact home. Updated: 2/6/25

Cardinal Catastrophe Services Inc

4.5 Stars 72 Google reviews

214 Hillsboro Ave
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 659-9800

Solution Roofing LLC

5 Stars 9 Google reviews

100 North Main Street
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 307-5174

Meridian Contracting LLC

5 Stars 50 Google reviews

110 Lautner Lane
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 447-8662

Calcott Roofing & Siding

3.3 Stars 4 Google reviews

501 Liberty Street
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 655-9648

Nationwide Roofing

5 Stars 6 Google reviews

1002 North Main Street
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 975-3340

Show 5 More

Green Tree Home Solutions

4.2 Stars 12 Google reviews

Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 767-6430

Stonebridge Roofing

5 Stars 4 Google reviews

1063 South State Route 157
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 589-2115

Gutter Kings

3.9 Stars 53 Google reviews

1522 Bryant Avenue
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 799-0303

Toubl Contracting Inc.

5 Stars 4 Google reviews

5360 Springfield Drive
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(314) 612-4777

ABC Roofing & Siding

5 Stars 9 Google reviews

1051 Century Drive
Edwardsville, IL 62025

(618) 900-7982

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Average Roof Costs By Material In Edwardsville

Note: The averages are based on actual estimates our calculator has processed. Various roof sizes can impact the average cost of roof replacement. We recommend you get a roof replacement estimate for your home’s actual size via our cost calculator.

Asphalt Shingle Roof

Asphalt Shingle

Based on a sqft home with a /sqft price.

Designer Asphalt Shingle Roof

Designer Shingle

Based on a sqft home with a /sqft price.

Metal Roofing


Based on a sqft home with a /sqft price.

Tesla Solar Roof

Tesla Solar Roof

Based on a sqft home with a /sqft price.

About Instant Roofer

Instant Roofer is revolutionizing the way homeowners get roof replacement estimates. We provide free roof replacement cost estimates in Illinois and cities across the state, connecting you with the best-priced and highest-rated roofing contractors.

Instantly view up to three estimates from different contractors for your home in one place. See detailed reviews and compare estimated amounts in seconds. Instant Roofer is the fastest and most convenient way to get multiple roof replacement estimates, making us your ultimate one-stop shop for roofing solutions.

Edwardsville, Illinois Roofing Data

Average roof replacement price in Edwardsville
The number of Edwardsville roofs our tech has scanned12,762 roofs
Average Edwardsville home size2,200 Square Feet
Average Edwardsville property size (2019 Parcel Data)0.23 Acres or 10,000 Sqft
Average roof slope on Edwardsville homes6/12 Pitch or 26.57 Degrees
Most common roof type in EdwardsvilleAsphalt Shingle
Man climbing ladder on Edwardsville, Illinois home to replace roof

How much to replace your roof? Find out!

How A New Roof Affects Your Home’s Value

A new roof can significantly affect a property’s value, especially if you upgrade to a modern or higher-quality roofing material. This update not only enhances curb appeal but can also recoup roughly 60–70% of the roof’s cost in added home value. Of course, many factors—such as local market conditions and the roof’s previous condition—play a role, but this rule of thumb provides a useful starting point for estimating the potential financial benefits. On average, homeowners in Edwardsville, IL will see an increase in their home’s overall market value by the following amounts when these types of roofs are installed.

  • New Asphalt Roof: +
  • New Designer Asphalt Roof: +
  • Metal Roof: +
  • Tesla Solar Roof: +

What Are The Roof Replacement Costs In Edwardsville, Illinois?

Are you looking for a fast and accurate estimate for your roof replacement cost in Edwardsville, Illinois? Instant Roofer’s roofing calculator provides monthly updated prices based on big data analysis of over 122,608,100 homes across America, with an estimated average roof size of 2,200 sqft for Edwardsville homes. As of , the average cost of an asphalt roof in Edwardsville is . With Instant Roofer, you can get a free and spam-free estimate for your roof replacement needs. Simply try our innovative roofing calculator to get a fast and accurate estimate for your new roof cost.

Frequently Asked Roofing Questions In Edwardsville, Illinois

What is the average cost of roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois?

The average cost of roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois is:

Are building permits required for roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois?

Yes, building permits are required for roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois. It is important to obtain the necessary permits to ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations.

What is the typical timeframe for completing a roof replacement project in Edwardsville, Illinois?

The timeframe for completing a roof replacement project in Edwardsville, Illinois can vary depending on the size and complexity of the job. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a week or more to complete the project.

Are there any specific regulations or guidelines for roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois?

Yes, there are specific regulations and guidelines for roof replacement in Edwardsville, Illinois. These include adherence to the International Building Code, local building permits, and compliance with any homeowner association rules or restrictions.

Are there any local roofing contractors in Edwardsville, Illinois that specialize in roof replacement?

Yes, there are several local roofing contractors in Edwardsville, Illinois that specialize in roof replacement. It is recommended to research and choose a reputable contractor with experience in roof replacement projects.

The Fastest Free Roofing Calculator

Instant Roofer’s cutting-edge roofing calculator powered by big data and artificial intelligence is the perfect solution for homeowners in Edwardsville, Illinois who want a fast and accurate estimate for their roof replacement needs, with access to the best-rated roofing contractors in their area.

More About Edwardsville, Illinois

Explore the town of Edwardsville in Illinois with its cozy charm and range of urban conveniences right at the heart of the Midwest region. Take a walk through our rich historic downtown area or relax with a picnic, in our scenic parks while supporting our local sports teams. There’s a little something for everyone to enjoy in Edwardsville! Edwardsville is a city known for its vibrant arts and culture scene and diverse dining choices that cater to every palate. With an array of activities to enjoy residents take pride in calling this city their home due, to its close knit community and warm ambiance making it a destination worth visiting and living in. Discover everything that Edwardsville has to offer. From its parks and rich historic landmarks to the exciting events and vibrant shopping areas; there's always something fresh to explore in our delightful city.. See firsthand why Edwardsville stands out as a hidden treasure, in the Midwest!

More About Madison County

Explore the beauty of Madison County in Illinois – a treasure nestled in the Midwest region! Whether you're drawn to the quaint allure of towns such as Alton and Edwardsville or the lively atmosphere of Granite City and Collinsville; Madison County offers a range of experiences for all to enjoy. Immerse yourself in its history and lively culture while taking in the breathtaking natural scenery – making it a haven, for locals and tourists alike. Whether you decide to take a drive along the Great River Road or go for a hike in Pere Marquette State Park or simply enjoy the delicious offerings at charming local restaurants, in Madison County. You will undoubtedly be captivated by its distinctive charm and welcoming atmosphere. So why not. Experience the enchantment of this wonderful destination for yourself? Once you're here you won't feel like leaving soon!

Edwardsville, Illinois painted from the sky

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